Road system
- The road system connecting to the industrial zone:
Tran Dai Nghia Street with the planned width of 40 meters.
Provincial Road 10 with the planned width of 40 meters.
Ring road 03 with the planned width of 74 meters.
Quốc lộ 1A.
National Road 1A
- Internal road system:
The main roads in the IP are 30 meters wide.
Other internal roads in the IP are 16-18 meters wide.
Power supply system
- National Grid
The power supply is sourced from the existing 110/15-22KV Le Minh Xuan station.
110/15 (22) KV – 3* 63 MVA transformer station is constructed in the industrial park to provide 22KV medium voltage power to the industrial park in accordance with the general planning.
- Backup power plant.
Water supply system
Water sources:
- Phase 1: Groundwater in the industrial park.
- Phase 2: The City's water source, based on the planned Ø500 water supply pipeline of Lang Le - Bau Co route with a total water supply flow for the entire area Qmax = 11,000 m3/day.
Wastewater treatment plant
The centralized wastewater treatment plant in the industrial park planning is aimed at treating the industrial park's wastewater, ensuring that all production wastewater and domestic wastewater from the industrial park's activities are treated to meet the National Technical Regulation on industrial wastewater QCVN 40:2011 - Column B with coefficients Kq=0.9 and Kf=1.1.