
Kinh Bac City Develoment Holding Corporation would like to inform: all collaterals for KBCH2124003 have been automatically released from the payment obligation related to the Bond: 


Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corportation would like to inform: Kinh Bac – Da Nang Investment One Member Company Limited is no longer KBC's subsidiary under the Resolution No. 2903.2/2023/KBC/ND-HDQT (about: approval of tranferring entire contributed capital of KBC in  Kinh Bac – Da Nang Investment One Member Company Limited): 


Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: The Resolution No.2903.3/2023/KBC/NQ-HDQT dated March 29th, 2023 about the aproval on loan borrowing from Saigon-Bacgiang Industrial Park Joint Stock Company: 


Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: The early redemption of total 1,000-billion-VND Bond KBCH2124003 whose maturity date is 11/11/2024:

Pursuant to the provisions of Circular No. 122/2020/TT-BTC dated 31/12/2020 of the Ministry of Finance providing guidance on information disclosure and reporting in accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 153/2020/ND-CP dated 31/12/2020 of the Government and documents amending and supplementing regulations on private placement of corporate bonds in the domestic market and the offering of corporate bonds to the international market, Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation would like to disclose information about the early bond redemption as follows:

1. Company information

- Name of organization: Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation

- Head office’s address: Lot B7, Que Vo Industrial Park, Phuong Lieu Commune, Que Vo District, Bac Ninh Province

- Tel: (84-222) 363 4035                  

- Fax: (84-222) 363 4034

- Company type: Joint Stock Company

- Main business activities: Trading in real estate, land use rights belonging to owners, users or renters.

2. Information of the redemption

- Bond code: KBCH2124003

- Redemption method: send redemption notice to Bondholders

   + Par value: 100,000 VND/Bond

   + Issuance value at par value: 1,000,000,000,000 VND (One thousand billion dong)

   + Current outstanding bond value at par value: 1,000,000,000,000 VND (One thousand billion dong)

   + Bond term: 36 months

   + Issuing date: 11/11/2021

   + Maturity date: 11/11/2024

   + Redemption date: 31/03/2023

   + Redemption payment date: 31/03/2023

   + Redemption interest: 11.4%/year (According to the Notice of Interest of Bond KBCH2124003 for the 3rd interest calculation period of the Payment Agent)

   + Actual number of days of interest calculation: From 11/11/2022 inclusively to 31/03/2023 exclusively.

- Volume of bonds to be redeemed at par value: 10,000,000 bonds  (equivalent to par value: 1,000,000,000,000 VND (One thousand billion dong)).

- Terms and conditions of early redeemed bond shall be amended to replace according to The resolution of Bondholders dated 29/03/2023.

After 01 (one) year from the Issue Date, the Issuer may redeem a part or all of the Bonds of the issue before the maturity date on the Early Redemption Dates at the Request of the Issuer and by any other means. any method in accordance with applicable law and the provisions of these Bond Terms and Conditions. To clarify, the Issuer is not obligated to pay an early redemption fee for the early redemption of bonds at the request of the Issuer.

- Redemption Price:

Redemption Price


Total face value of Redeemed Bonds


Earned Interest

“Earned Interest” includes: interest accrued since and including the latest Interest Payment Date plus (+) unpaid interest and penalties of the previous periods (if any) up to but excluding the date of redemption (“Early Redemption Date as Suggested by the Issuer”).

- In order to exercise the right of redemption under these Conditions, the Issuer must (through the Registration and Depository Agent) give written notice to all Bondholders and the Bondholders' Representative about their decision to redeem the Bonds (“Redemption Notice”) at least 2 (two) business days prior to the Early Redemption Date as suggested by the Issuer. The Redemption Notice will contain information on the total number of Bonds to be redeemed, the value of the Early-redeemed Bonds, the Early Redemption Price and the Early Redemption Date (which must be a Business Day). Upon receipt of the Redemption Notice, the Bondholders are obliged to resell the amount of the Bonds to the Issuer in accordance with such Redemption Notice. For the purposes of this provision, the Record Date for closing the list of Bondholders shall be the Business Day immediately preceding the Early Redemption Date at the request of the Issuer.

- The redemption price will be paid by the Issuer (through the Payment Agent) directly to the accounts of the Bondholders.

- Source for redemption: From production and business activities and equity.

 (The plan for early redemption of bond KBCH2124003 mentioned above has been approved by the competent authority under the Resolution No. 2903.1/2023/KBC/NQ-HDQT of the BOD dated 29/3/2023 attached to this Announcement)

3. Organizations participating in the redemption 

Representative of Bondholders and Depository Registration Agent


Address: Floor 16, Geleximco Building, No. 36 Hoang Cau Street, O Cho Dua Ward, Dong Da District, Ha Noi City

Tel: 024 35624626

Collateral Management Agent Đại Lý Quản Lý Tài Sản Bảo Đảm


Address: 1st floor (ground floor) and 2nd floor, Sailing Tower, no. 111A Pasteur, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.

Tel: (+844) 6 276 0068                            Fax: (+844) 62762482

Payment Agent


Address: Lot E1, Que Vo Industrial Park, phuong Van Duong, Bac Ninh City, Bac Ninh Province

Tel: 0222 3634891                       Fax: 0222 3634890

By this Official Announcement, we (through the Bondholder Representative) notify the redemption to all Bondholders. The Bondholders are deemed to have received the Notices set forth in Article 13 of the Bond Terms and Conditions. In which, the following form is considered as the Bond Owner has received information:  “Notice of Redemption of bonds before maturity and other relevant documents are published at the website of the Issuer, Bondholder Representative or the website of the Stock Exchanges at the time the information is posted on the website.

- As above;
- Stored: Admin.

Chairman of the BOD

(signed and stamped)

Dang Thanh Tam



Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: The resolution of the Conference of Bondholders of Bond KBCH2124003 on March 29th, 2023: 


Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: The Resolution No. 1603/2023/KBC/NQ-HDQT of the Board of Directors approving the increase in a subsidiary's charter capital which is Kinh Bac - Da Nang Investment One Member Limited Company dated March 16th, 2023: 


Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: The 2022 audited report on the use of capital obtained from privately-issued Bonds:


Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Report on the implementation of the Issuer's commitment to the Bondholders in 2022:


Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: The Resolution No. 0203/2023/KBC/NQ-HDQT of the Board of Directors dated March 02nd, 2023 (About: Approval for lending Trang Cat One Member Urban Development Limited Company): 



Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: The early redemption of the total 1.000 billion VND of Bond KBCH2123002 with maturity date on June 03rd, 2023:

Pursuant to the provisions of Circular No. 122/2020/TT-BTC dated December 31st, 2020 of the Ministry of Finance providing guidance on information disclosure and reporting in accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 153/2020/ND-CP dated December 3st1, 2020 of the Government and documents amending and supplementing regulations on private placement and trading of privately placed corporate bonds in the domestic market and the offering of corporate bonds to the international market, Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation would like to announce information about the early bond redemption as follows:    

1. Corporation information

-         Corporation’s name: Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation

-         Headquarter’s address: Lot B7, Que Vo Industrial Park, Phuong Lieu Commune, Que Vo District, Bac Ninh Province.

-         Tel: (84-222) 3634 034 

-         Fax: (84-222) 3634 035

-         Business type: Joint Stock Company

-         Main business activities: real estate business, land use rights belonging to owners, users or renters.

2. Information on Bond repdemption

-         Bond code: KBCH2123002

-         Repurchase method: send redemption notice to Bondholders

+ Par value: 100,000 VND/Bond

+ Volume of issued & outstanding bonds: 10,000,000 bonds

+ Issuance value at par value: 1,000,000,000,000 VND (One trillion dong)

+ Current outstanding bond value at par value: 1,000,000,000,000 VND (One trillion dong)

+ Bond term: 24 months

+ Issuing date: June 03rd, 2021

+ Maturity date: June 03rd, 2023.

+ Expected date of redemption: April 05th, 2023

+ Actual number of days of interest calculation: From December 03rd, 2022 (December 03rd, 2022 inclusively) to April 05th, 2023 (April 05th, 2023 exclusively)

-         Volume of bonds to be redeemed at par value: 10,000,000 bonds (equivalent to par value: 1,000,000,000,000 VND (One trillion dong).

-         Terms and conditions of the Bonds to be redeemed before maturity:

+ The Issuer may exercise the right to redeem at any time after 12 months from the Issue Date in one or more installments, for part or all of the outstanding bonds.

+ In order to exercise the right of redemption, the Issuer must (through the Registered and Depository Agent) give written notice to the Bondholders and the Bondholder's Representative about the decision to redeem its Bonds (“Redemption Notice”) at least 30 (thirty) days prior to the proposed redemption date (“Redemption Option Date”). The Redemption Notice will contain information on the total number of Bonds to be redeemed and the Redemption Option Date (this date must be a Business Day). Upon receipt of a Redemption Notice, the Bondholder is obliged to resell his/her Bonds to the Issuer in accordance with such Redemption Notice.

+ The Issuer may withdraw the Redemption Notice after it is sent, but at least 10 (ten) days prior to the relevant Redemption Option Date.

+ The redemption price of each Bond will be equal to the total principal, interest and other amounts incurred but not yet paid on the Bonds, specifically as follows:

     Redemption price:

Redemption price


Total bond’ par value


Incurred Interest

     Incurred Interest:

Incurred Interest



Bond’s par value




Actual number of days



The actual number of days in the above formula is calculated from the starting date (inclusively) to the last date (but exclusively) of that Interest Period (applied when calculating rounded interest) or That Period (applied to use when calculating interest for a non-circular period).

-         Source of redemption: Cash flow from production and business activities of the Corporation

(Bond KBCH2123002’s early redemption plan has already been approved by the competent authority according to the Resolution No. 0303/2023/KBC/NQ-HDQT of the Board of Directors dated 03/03/2023 attached to this notice)

3. Organizations participating in the Bond redemption

Representative of Bondholders, Depository Registration Agent, Collateral Management Agent:


Address: 2nd floor, Hanoi tourist building, No. 18 Ly Thuong Kiet, Phan Chu Trinh Ward, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi.

Tel: (84) 24 3934 3888             Fax: (84) 24 3934 3999

- As above
Stored: Admin

Chairman of the BOD

(signed and stamped) 





Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Report on transaction of major shareholders on February 17th, 2023: Download.


Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: The explanation for business results' differences in the Financial Statements of the fourth quarter of 2022:


Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Report on Corporate governance in 2022


Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Report on the payments of principal and interest of public Corporate bond in 2022